
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Solvent Extraction: Two Methods For Aquiring Gold and More

This blog is conceived in two parts: solvent extraction of the ether to extract the ORMUS in trapped water for health; and (2) solvent extraction of e-waste to produce pure precious metals from the higher precious metal group:  gold, palladium, and platinum without a furnace.

Since these two sources might not be for everyone. It is not meant to mitigate, treat, or cure anything, though many people say it does just that. It will change and enhance your life, without question, and without doubt you will have healing. further, the suppression of non-toxic appraaches for extraction of precious metals are equally guarded based on concept:

                         He who owns the gold... rules...which is the real "golden rule."

Please read about it and think about it, because this is not a question you should answer without reflection.... In the end, however, ORMUS will find you when the time is right, just as you have found your way here. Equally so is the suppressed science behind the extraction methods to intentionally misinform the individual  based on the above credo.


First and foremost is the inventor with his invention which becomes an ego trip. Nevertheless here is a widely known tale about Archimedes which tells about the method he devised to determine the volume of an irregular shaped object. Once while taking a bath, he had noticed that the level of water in the tub rose as he got in. The story goes on that a new crown was made for King Hiero II, and Archimedes was asked to check if the crown was made of solid gold, or if some silver had been added by the goldsmith. He was also asked to solve the problem without damaging the crown. This is when he decided to use the discovery he had made in his bath; that later came to be known as the Archimedes' principle.

This principle states that a body immersed in fluid experiences a buoyant force equal to the weight of the liquid displaced. He realized that this could be put to use, while determining the volume of the crown. To solve the quandary set before him by the king, he simply divided the weight of crown by the water displaced by it. "It IS Good to be the King! This principle can be applied to "solvent extraction" usually found in the gold and precious metal industry.

Because of the economy relative to the value of the dollar which has been compromised is an alternate decision to become a Precious Metal Scrapper. Therefore, as an update to this blog is the web site that will provide a solution (pun intended) on how individuals be in business for themselves by using non-toxic approaches to extracting not only gold, but platinum, palladium, rhodium and more.I have now disclosed this information for the public to review.  Where you need to learn how to scrap precious metals from e-Waste and cellular phones is on this landing page


If we challenge the status quo regarding the economy, it is our right to do just that to grow and become financially free by starting a Precious Metals business.

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