
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Revolutionary Science and Technology

Gold is the new oil as produced from the soil of earth through a process of transmutation that has many dimensions regarding transliteration and context. Perhaps transmutation may refer to: Nuclear transmutation, the conversion of one chemical element or isotope into another through nuclear reaction; or Transmutation of species, the alteration of one species into another; or Transmutation circle, a circle used to perform alchemy in Full metal Alchemist; Sexual transmutation, Sexual sublimation, an attempt to transform sexual energy into creativity and thereby facilitate spiritual awakening; or Transmuting metals, Alchemy, turning inexpensive metals, such as lead, into gold...From its inception gold mining has been of great interest to hyper-beings from different worlds if one considers this to be true with gold central to the origin and nature and preservation of these beings as ME

The MEs were originally collected by Enlil and then handed over to the guardianship of Enki who was to broker them out to the various Sumerian centers beginning with his own city of Eridu and continuing with Ur, Meluhha, and Dilmun. This is described in the poem, "Enki and the World Order" which also details how he parcels out responsibility for various crafts and natural phenomena to the lesser gods. Here the MEs of various places are extolled but are not themselves clearly specified, and they seem to be distinct from the individual responsibilities of each divinity as they are mentioned in conjunction with specific places rather than gods. After a considerable amount of self-glorification on the part of Enki, his daughter Inanna comes before him with a complaint that she has been given short shrift on her divine spheres of influence. Enki does his best to placate her by pointing out those she does in fact possess...could this be the gold that the Annunaki were after for their planet, Nibiru, and self-preservation? Whatever the context that gold appears in; it is the significance as the end - result... a perfect state of matter...or is it a perfect state of mind? You decide. Accordingly, Plato, identified the four elements as derived from a common source or prima materia (first matter), associated with chaos. This Prima materia was also the name alchemists assigned to the starting ingredient for the creation of the philosopher’s stone. The importance of this philosophical first matter persisted through the history of alchemy. Thus a primary secret of the ages is my first transmission that I received from a society member and was the science and technology behind the transmutation of a base metal such as lead to gold which is really a metaphor for enlightenment. Consider this fact; the alchemists were in search of a process by which the "philosopher's stone" (Latin: lapis philosophorum) was called a "substance" capable of turning base metals into gold (chrysopoeia) or silver. Called the "elixir of life," and used in the rejuvenation and possibly for achieving immortality; for many centuries, it was the most sought-after goal in Western alchemy. The philosopher's stone was a symbol for the mystical terminology of alchemy, symbolizing "perfection at its finest, enlightenment, and heavenly bliss." Efforts to discover the philosopher's stone were known as the Magnum Opus. Any quest with great fortitude is now termed an individual's Magnum Opus. It is here that one can sense the importance of acquiring gold...but in what state? The decision to obtain the source is what David Hudson purports as a "monatomic powder" and is its vast energy state that those who control the white powder also control the future. My response to this was of an analogous conception for past history i.e., the ancient Egyptian name for a transmuted state of gold is "Mfkzt" what is it?" A special process where "arc" heating of gold and other platinum group (PGM) metals were changed to a single atom or monatomic substance - a form of powder - that has superconductive properties. Whereas, the modern equivalent is the Meissner field in physics. Of significance is that the field is comprised of a superconductor -- a single frequency of light that flows at the speed of sound. Further, that the zero-point energy or null magnetic field repels the North and South magnetic poles, while absorbing high magnetic energy, thus producing even more light. The field produced by the flowing light, which excludes all other fields, is termed a Meissner field. Stephen Robbins, Ph.D. indicated that "When two superconductors are linked by their Meissner fields, over any distance, the two can act, instantaneously, in a process termed "quantum coherence." For two particles in a coherent state and separated by a great distance, a change in one particle, for example its spin state, is instantaneously communicated to the other. This is despite the fact that given the classical limitation of the maximum velocity of communication at the speed of light, such instantaneous communication should not have happened." In agreement with Hudson and Robbins; it can be surmised that any amount of energy can be stored in a superconductor, and transmitted over any distance via a "quantum wave in the absence of space or time." As a free energy a monatomic superconductor could enable the perfect, environmentally friendly fuel-cell. Accordingly, physicist Hal Puthoff, indicated that at the threshold of heating the white powder (now called "exotic matter") to where the substance disappeared, the "substance" still existed outside of space-time, in another dimension. Interestingly, exotic matter and "stealth atoms" appeared in the scientific journals in the early 1990's. The monatomic high-spin state was termed an "asymmetrical deformed high-spin nuclei." Thus the manipulation of space-time was reported by Alcubierre (Journal of Classical and Quantum Gravity, 1994), who stated: "It is now known that it is possible to modify space-time in a way that allows a spaceship to travel at an arbitrarily large speed by a purely local expansion of the space-time behind the spaceship and a purely local contraction in front of it - a motion faster than the speed of light reminiscent of the warp drive of science fiction." Whereas, Szpir (American Scientist, 1994) supported this with relativity's theoretic limit of velocity to the speed of light, arguing that when in "warp" mode, the craft would not really be traveling at all, for the true rate of acceleration would be zero. Making Szpir's relocation of chunks of space-time possible - "exotic matter," i.e., matter which has a gravitational attraction of less than zero. Robbins related that monatomic platinum group metals (PGM) will resonate with deformed (or cancerous) body cells, "relaxing" and correcting the DNA, while iridium is tuned to the ends of the DNA strands, turning the DNA itself into a superconductor. As a health psychologist, the Solfeggio frequency of 528 Hertz is the electromagnetic frequency to repair DNA. Whereas, the invention, is a "device" capable of accelerating thought-forms as the law of attraction which is discussed in another blog suggests that the brain entrained frequency can be duplicated by other individuals when coupled with the aether outside and inside the pyramid cavity as a photon-biophoton resonance and is one of the actions for producing a higher state of consciousness (mind). Of scientific interest is our DNA, a double helix configuration, that holds the genetic codes for an individual's physical and emotional evolution. Still to be discovered by science is the fact that DNA has a much greater purpose than simply being a blueprint for the body. Could that purpose be for spiritual enlightenment? One can only ponder this realization... Important in the future of humankind is the Genome Project which only decoded approximately 3% of the total physical DNA. The remaining 97% was termed "junk" why? inferring it has no purpose? The truth is that the human body is extremely efficient and anything that is of no use becomes atrophied and is evolved out of existence within a few generations. If 97% of our DNA is unknown, then perhaps the "Mfkzt" as a "precious substance" accounts for a spiritual ascension as a transmutation which is believed to be connected with the 12 strands of the DNA (97%) and that the "field of Mfkzt" is a "quantum coherence for love in the universe" Sir Lawrence Gardner identified Mfktz as the em-an-na or manna (Hebrews 9:4) of which the bible identifies the apparatus -- the Ark of the Covenant -- which was capable of levitation and had destructive powers. Perhaps these ancient accounts are the precursors for humankind to evolve such that the raising of consciousness (mind) is synonymous with the raising of an individual's frequency (electromagnetic). Of scientific interest is "copper as a type 2 superconductor" (allowing some penetration of external fields) relative to a massive lodestone (magnetism)with iridium, as a type 1 superconductor (no external field penetration). The convergence of both types of superconductors would be needed to create a "powerful tubular flux" between the two copper poles as a conduit to emit a voltage to activate the Ark with the Mfkzt to produce a Meissner field. Already discussed by Robbins is the "Monatomic platinum group metals (PGM)" which will resonate with deformed (or cancerous) body cells, "relaxing" and correcting the DNA, while iridium is tuned to the ends of the DNA strands, turning the DNA itself into a superconductor. Esoterically, "Mfkzt" is the "precious substance", while the afterlife (another dimension out of sight but within the mind) is called the "Field of Mfkzt" as a raised consciousness. In the movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark" the Ark of the Covenant was a "device" that consisted of outer and inner plates of gold insulating "shittim" wood, which is the essence of a "capacitor." Whereas, the solid gold lid was estimated to be 2700 pounds, excluding the two golden cherubim perched on top, served as "electrodes" when connected to the inner and outer plates. At rest, the Ark would only accumulate a potential charge. However, with the "golden container of mfkzt/shem-an-na or manna" the device became kinetically charged -- a device of mass destruction. Gardner speculates that the Ark itself rests at Chartres, France - in another dimension. If so, it is surrounded by the stained glass of the cathedrals with its wonderful, aetheric inner light.

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